HA! We showed them!
Well anyways as you may have known, Boonville High School's Thesbian Troupe #950 presented Damn Yankees April 23 - 26, ending today. Here's how it went down!
show I was so pumped. Finally all of our hard worked was going to pay off and be shown to the public. Well the first time we go out is in the song "Six Months Out of every Year" We come out in the middle of the song then freeze. I saw the audience when we where walking out and I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I was like wow I'm actually doing this. So I gave it my all and it was amazing.I screwed up on my solo in the number "The Game". It wasn't like huge or anything. Nobody noticed but me and 2 other people. I easily fixed it but I still felt bad. I got over it though. Another number we did was "Two Lost Souls" and man let me tell you, the way the audience reacted to our dancing made me more energetic. After Monday night's performance of this song it suddenly became my favorite.
That was my first show ever and I don't think I will ever forget it. Things were perfect =]
Was even beter!I didn't screw up my solo so it was amazing, but I think I forgot a dance move during it but again it wasn't noticeable.
The audience was great and I was great and the show was just amazing, of course.
One thing did happen though.
It was in Two Lost Souls. So we are up to our freezing spot in the dance number and Kirby and Kristine had finished their tap dancing. Cam and Spence have their own little dance segment for 4 counts of 8. Well they accidently did an extra 2 counts. Well after the counts we do an 8 counts of a shimmy thing to get to our places for the next dance segment involving all of us. Well in the middle of our shimmy, the dance music started back in and we all had to wait for it to repeat again (The beggining of this dance is 3 counts of 8 that repeat so we only did it twice since th screw up. Get it? If not, too bad!). It wasn't terribly bad though. it looked like it was supposed to happen
Was even bettererer! =]!
No screw ups, from me at least!
Great crowd reactions!
Two Lost Souls didn't get any better though! Cameron and Spencer did it right. This time it was the pit's fault. They added an extra count of 8. So by time the shimmy was over, we got to our places but the music wasn't playing. So i don't know what anyone else did but I just kinda acted drunk. My mom said that she didn't notice a screw up (until she saw it Sunday.)
It worked out I guess.
No screw ups, from me at least!
Great crowd reactions!
Two Lost Souls didn't get any better though! Cameron and Spencer did it right. This time it was the pit's fault. They added an extra count of 8. So by time the shimmy was over, we got to our places but the music wasn't playing. So i don't know what anyone else did but I just kinda acted drunk. My mom said that she didn't notice a screw up (until she saw it Sunday.)
It worked out I guess.
Was perfect I must say!!!
Linda (aunt), Shannon (sister), Ashton (niece), Tristan (nephew), Trenton (nephew), Mom, and Hope (aunt) were all there.
I was kinda nervouse but got over it easily.
Now Two Lost Souls, went PERFECT! No screw up's what-so-ever!
I'm so proud!
Sunday was our best performance and I'm glad.
I'm really gonna miss this cast and this show!
Linda (aunt), Shannon (sister), Ashton (niece), Tristan (nephew), Trenton (nephew), Mom, and Hope (aunt) were all there.
I was kinda nervouse but got over it easily.
Now Two Lost Souls, went PERFECT! No screw up's what-so-ever!
I'm so proud!
Sunday was our best performance and I'm glad.
I'm really gonna miss this cast and this show!
Final Thoughts
I loved the show. It went way better than I expected.
I got thousands of compliments from people I know and don't know, you have no idea! If you thought I had a big head now, imagine how big it is now! Lol =]
Everyone can tell I love doing the shows and singing, acting and dancing and it's very true. I love it!
I'm never giving up this and plan on sticking with it the rest of my life.
I'm definitely gonna miss my senior friends!
I had a blast and I love almost everyone in the cast!
I got thousands of compliments from people I know and don't know, you have no idea! If you thought I had a big head now, imagine how big it is now! Lol =]
Everyone can tell I love doing the shows and singing, acting and dancing and it's very true. I love it!
I'm never giving up this and plan on sticking with it the rest of my life.
I'm definitely gonna miss my senior friends!
I had a blast and I love almost everyone in the cast!
The cast party was at Steak and Shake, but most of the guys went to Bdub's, which I would have loved to have gone to. It was really fun though. I had great food and it was a blast you don't even know! We left at like 12:30. Levi took me and Kel home.
This cast party was at Nathan Beasley's! We played rock band, had lots of food, and just chilled and hung out! Afterwards, I had to take Olivia home. She only lived a few minutes from his house so I was game. Michael came with me. I got home at like 1 that day
This cast party was the best of them all! We went to Stephanie Bolin's house and hung out there. Cody, her bpyfriend, gave me a ride. It was nice to get to know him. He has a hell of an awesome car too! He is a really cool. Well it was about 1 when Auburn, Kasey, Olivia, and I left. we went to Sharon Elementry to meet up with Stephanie Tulley and Andrea West. When we got there, they were telling us that these two high old guys were like creeping them out. They told them they were loking for a dog. yea right! So we saw flashlights and they started yelling at us from a distance telling us to be quite and shit. They ended up calling ther cops on us for some stupid reason. So three cops show up and surround us. It was really stupid but funny. We left after that and went home. Then we saw cops like all night that night. I laughed. It was fun. I got home at 2:30 that day.
Was our pizza party at the high school. We voted for academy awards coming up, ate, and signed each other's programs and posters. We signed bats for Judy, Gail, and John. It was a lot of fun and I almost cried. I'm going to miss everybody!
Well that was how the rest of my whole week went. It was very busy and I'm very tired. Now that the musical is over I don't know what to do with all the free time I have.
I'm thinking about performing for the academy awards we are having coming up but I don't know. I do know I'm doing a skit though with friends.
We'll see what happens
Alright I need to get to bed. I'm extremely tired!
Well that was how the rest of my whole week went. It was very busy and I'm very tired. Now that the musical is over I don't know what to do with all the free time I have.
I'm thinking about performing for the academy awards we are having coming up but I don't know. I do know I'm doing a skit though with friends.
We'll see what happens
Alright I need to get to bed. I'm extremely tired!
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