Ah, Welcome!!

Welcome, to the official blog of Dustin Schroeder.

Take a look inside my head and inside every deep chapter that lies beyond.

This, is my life, in my eyes...



ELIZABETH J FISHER                                   This gurl right here, has put up with my weird, dirty, wacked up self ever since 5th grade.  She is my best friend forever and always will be.  She knows pretty much everything about me.  We are both very very open to each other.  We are both so different but I think that is what holds us together.  We have had many ups and downs but still managed to find our way back to each other.  I love all the dorky little things she does.  She is a very caring, smart, funny, beautiful, locing young women who deserves a lot.  She is also a big spoiled brat :P hehe.  We have been throught so much since we meet and made memories that are gonna live on forever.  I love her very so much and would do jsut about anything for her.

ALEX M ROBERSON                                        This gurl right here, is mah baybee :]  I met her in 7th grade and had a pretty big crush on her.  She was my first middle school crush in fact.  The dating thing didn't really work out (Duh im gay) but we ended up becoming really good and close friends.  I would say 10th grade would have been my favorite year with her.  We spent our gold days together and it was like nonstop catching up and sharing stories and what-not.  This really brought us together and made our relationship stronger.  She is so cool, down to earth, unique, beautiful, funny, smart, and really caring.  She is so easy to talk to and always knows what to say.  She also has pretty nice boobs xD I have a strong attraction to her boobs ^_^  haha I love her <33

JACOB N JONES                                       Ha, you know that saying, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all?"  Ha well ... xP Nahh just kidding.  Jacob is a really gorgeous friend of mine.  He probably doesn't lnow this, but he has helped me out with a lot.  I was going through a rough time when I met him.  It was May 1 when we first talked online and May 27 when we first actually hung out.  I instantly got along with him and he picked me up from the ground when I really needed it.  He is drop dead gorgeous, smart, caaring, lvoing, sweet, funny, talented, independant, and one of those people that you look in their eyes when they are smiling and you're just like, wow.  At least, that is how it is for me.  I would do just about anything for this boi.  I love him very much ^_^  I hope he sticks around :P

CHRIS E.W. BRACE                                 This big guy, has given me some really good advice!  He has been there for me to talk to when no else has been.  I met him at TSA when I first started going.  I instantly noticed him cause he was the cutest one there :D  He is really fun to be around.  I've stayed the night with him a couple of times and had a really good time.  He even has Queer As Folk; all the seasons!!!  I was so jealous.  Chris is a really smart, handsome, super adorable, loving, caring, funny, out-there, interesting and really fun guy.  I love him MORE than a fat kid loves his cake, or a slut loves her penis.  I would seriously have been lost without him around as well.  My favorite memory with him is the pretty much everything we have done.  There has been nothing I didn't really enjoy doing with him.  He is like an older brother to me.  I can't wait to see more of him around :DD