About precisely two hours ago, Christmas of 2010 had ended. It was definatly a "less-celebrated' year for me, but I kind of felt that Christmas magic they talk about on the TV and such. So the big question is, "What did you get Dusty!?"
Well, I got a big stocking full of reindeer dropping! Nah, just kidding. I got a laptop charger, finally, and a new cell phone.
I'm pretty sure you could've guessed the laptop charger, considering I'm making another post. I promise I will get all the latest events, news, and photos up as soon as I can.
Also, coming in 2011, I am creating a new blog. Metamorphosis <----Link
I'm at a point in my life where, hopefully i can explain this right, things just don't seem how they should be anymore. Everything is getting old. Grr, I'm so afriad I'm not getting the right point across. I'll do my best to keep this short and sweet to keep from you all thinking crazy assumptions.
I need a change. A BIG change. The life I'm living right now, it's OK. That is the problem. It's JUST OK. I need a new start, new scenes, new adventures. I feel completely held back here. I feel different from everyone else around where I'm from, and I am really starting to notice it. Maybe I'm just, crazy, but this is starting to get unbearable. Or maybe there is a deeper meaning? Who really knows.
So, to end this blog, I'd like wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas. I hope Santa Clause gave you what you all deserve ; ]
Stay Beautiful
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