Ah, Welcome!!

Welcome, to the official blog of Dustin Schroeder.

Take a look inside my head and inside every deep chapter that lies beyond.

This, is my life, in my eyes...



Gotta Stand Strong

Alright so Saturday evening, April 4, I got a phone call from my step-dad while I was at Olive Garden. He told me I was spending the night that night and helping him clean up his yard in the morning. I was so pissed off when I heard this. I didn't want to spend my weekend picking up sticks!

So Sunday came and I was awaken by my step dad while in bed. I put my shorts on before i walked to the bathroom and went to the shower. After showering, our mission began.

Now my mom has a pretty big yard with a lot of trees, trees that have gumballs, and no not the fun kind either!

It was about 9 AM when we started. We raked leaves, picked up sticks, and all that jazz to yard cleaning. I swear it seemed like after you picked up one stuck, two more took its place! Well we took little breaks every so often.

After about 5 hours of hard working, we finally finished and jumped into the shower once again to clean up. We were going to Evansville Next

To shorten this up because I have homework, we went to get me sliding shorts and some underwear for the dressing scene in the musical.

Yea, so I didn't get home 'till about 7 that evening. Then I got on yahoo to talk to Zakk.

Well that totally sucked to.
We were so close, so tight, really good friends just in different states, which caused our problem. We got into this major fight about something I can;t explain to you because you would have to be us. So to put things to rest, I told him I think it would be best for us if we forgot our relationship. Well he wasn't so happy about that idea, and of course, neither was I. I knew that that's what would be the best for the both of us. Hopefully he'll see that someday then we could continue to be friends.

He so he's pissed at me and said a lot of things that really hurt me.

I still haven't got over it, maybe I will, maybe I won't.
I'll still put on a smile

Love You Guys


Kelli-wa said...

awe, dusty... *hugs*
it's okay, i love you!!!

Sam said...

Cheer up kiddo.
You have us.
We're here and we're convenient.
And we love you.

Friends grow up, grow apart and grow back together.
It's all part of a process we don't understand.
And you can't beat yourself up over it.
You just have to keep moving on.

One day, you'll both understand. He'll see his faults, you'll see your differences. Then it'll all be clear.

Maybe right now isn't the best time for either of you either,
but you just know,
that if you EVER need anything,
you have my number.

Don't hesitate to call me either.