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Welcome, to the official blog of Dustin Schroeder.

Take a look inside my head and inside every deep chapter that lies beyond.

This, is my life, in my eyes...




So, I wanted a new look right?  Well this is the result form my 'experiment' at Alex's house.  I also had on eye liner but took it off before I got home. 
I might just stick with this look, becuase i really like it.  My only problem is I need a straightener.

Chicago Pride Twenty[10]


     Sunday, June 27, 2010 at 4AM a nice handful of people got on the coach bus for the trip to Chicago.  It had stopped at Owensburo first to pick up a few people from there.  Then it made its wat to Evansville

     Saturday night, when i had planned on getting ready at Alex's house like I mentioned in my other post, had totally failed on me and everything screwed up.  Alex's sister went into labor.  So she had to be at the hospital all day.  Thus, leaving me to do my hair and stuff.  Luckily I was with Chris Brace that night and he had a straightener.  We ended up making it look somewhat good but the bad part is we were going to a party and his boyfriend's friend's house.  This was about at 10PM where it's still somewhat hot and now all the bugs are out, and of course, we were outside. 
     My hair started curling up from the sweat and I had bug spray on so no more mosquitoes would bite me.  It was awful and I felt disgusting.  I wasn't going to be able to clean up either becuase we were going straight to the bus after the party.  By that point I was pretty upset cause i really wanted to look good and make really good impressions.
     Me and Chris arrived at the hotel where the bus was picking us up at about three when it was suppose to be there.  Apparently, the owner got it confused and thought they were suppose to be at Owensburo by three.  The bus then wouldn't be at Evansville until four.  So we had to wait for about an hour till the bus actually got here.
     Once we got on the bus, everyone noticed it was hot and humid, and that not very much air was blwoing out of the vents.  The air conditioner wasn't working right.  So we all had to sit on a hot and humid bus for the whole trip up there.  yea, that made my looks even better!  By that point I just gave up.  I didn't care anymore.  I was just ready to get to Chicago.

     Chicago overall was so beautiful and the pride was queertastic!  There were so many people, lots of color and unique hair and outfits.  Many guys in there underwear, which was REALLY hot.  It was just such a good time being in an environment like that.  It is something I will never forget and I look forward to going again next year.  Hopefully my friends and I can take a road trip up there and spend a night up in Chicago and be there for pride. 

     When it was time to leave, the bus's AC had not yet been fixed.  So Wally bought us all Starbucks and we waited around while someone came to fix it.  It took a couple of hours but I think it was worth it to have AC.  It felt a lot better going home.  I even slept fine on the bus.  I had not slept since I woke up Saturday morning.  Yeah, I was exhausted, but the whole trip was worth it! 


Makeover Experiment

  Alright, I have been talking about a new look for some time now.  Being as Owensburo and Chicago pride are this weekend, i decided I wanted to look sexy, hot, and absolutly stunning.  I wanted a new look that would catch people's eye.  I also wanted to impress Jacob, and show him that I'm not just another guy.

  I went over to Alex Roberson's house after we had lunch at El Magueys.  At lunch we discussed thigns such as our lifes and what I wanted to do for my "new look".
  When we arrived at her house, we got started right away.  Alex started on my hair, straightening it.  After it was straightened we just kinda played with it for a while.  We weren't really getting anywhere at that point.  So we both went outside for a while to look for some pictures on her phone for better hairstyle ideas. 
  So we went back inside and just kinda played again and somehow, we found a really good look.  It was so cute :D 
  Next was makeup.  Nothing big, just eye makeup on the top and bottom.  She put the eye liner on and also put on this beautiful silver stuff that had glitter in it.  It was perfect <3

  After that was all finished I finally brought up the idea of shaving my legs.  She was all for it and gladly did it for me.  It took a while but it was totally worth it.  My legs are now soft and smooth.  You know someone is your true friend when they shave your legs that haven't been shaved for 16 years xP  She even went all the way up to my butt :] haha

  When we were finished, i felt SO sexy, so hot, and just, breath taking.  It was such an amazing feeling.  That is definatly the look I am going to be using for Chicago.

 Chicago, prepare yourself, I will be walking the streets with my new, stunning looks xDD  I am definatly going to make some jaws drop


TSA Car Wash

  Ok, So TSA's car was wasn't that fun, or revealing, but we did have an amazing time washing cars for a donation to the group.  The car was was held on Sunday, June 5, 2010
  Me and Jacob J headed for the car wash at about 9 to make it there by 10.  It was a nice, hot, beautiful day to was cars.  Once we got to the location of the car wash, we waited for the others to arrive.  It lasted till about 1 PM.  We washed plenty of cars and made a good amount of money from donations.

  I got a 'little' wet and sunburnt, but that's ok.  It was worth it I would say :DD

TSA Pride Picnic 2010

  This past Saturday, June 6 2010, TSA (Tri State Alliance) held there 31st Anuual Pride Picnic.  It was held at Burdette Park in Evansville in one of the clubhouses.  They had a live singer, food, volleyball, games, and a good time.

  It was a blast going to my first pride event.  The people were so nice and funny, the food was really good and cheap, and they couldn't have picked a better day to have it, even though i was already sunburnt from the car wash the day before.  I went with my good friend Jacob J and ended up hanging with Amanda B.  I love them both so very much<3

  The next events coming up for TSA is the celebrity dinner and Chicago pride trip.  I'm not sure about the dinner but I am definatly going on the Chicago trip.  There is also an Owensburo pride the day before the Chicago pride.  It will definatly be an exhausting weekend!